EASE - Environment for Action and State based Equivalences

EASE is an environment for net transformations and reductions based on State based Equivalences.
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Universitá degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Kind of Nets supported:
1-Safe nets covered by monomarked S-Invariants of which SA nets are a subclass
EASE is a system based on three components:
  1. TEBE (Tools for Exhibited Behaviour Equivalence) implements a rewriting system for Petri Nets. It takes as input a net and produces a REDUCED net of the same class preserving Exhibited Behaviour Equivalence.
  2. TSTE (Tools for State Transformation Equivalence) implements the construction of system state space as Local State Transformation Algebra (LSTA) from which the canonical representative of the equivalence class containing the original system is synthesised.
  3. SDB (System Data Base) is a set of functions checking the structure of the input net against the definition fo 1-safe Superposed Automata (SA) nets, and allowing the COMPOSITION of and the DECOMPOSITION into (elementary) components starting from SA nets.
G. Marcon: TEBE, tools for Exhibited-Behaviour Equivalence [mar86]

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