Visual Object Net ++


Entry last updated: 2003/5/9
Entry last validated: 2003/5/9

Tool homepage:

Tool availability: Free of charge

Tool Features

Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology) Components (see also help on terminology)


Tool Description

Visual Object Net ++ is an innovative Petri-Net CAE Tool for PC that supports mixed continuous and discrete event Petri-Nets. During developing this software, a special attention was directed to intuitive usability because of easy designing, quick simulation and uncomplicated documentation of hybrid Petri-Nets. Beside the new continuous net elements, the whole well-tried concept of the traditional Petri-Nets is available.

The goal of Visual Object Net ++ is to study the behaviour and characteristics of a class of hybrid Petri nets.

The software includes a help file, an english and a german tutorial to teach how to use this software.

Since Version 2 Visual Object Net supports time concepts, priorities, place capacities, and an object based hierarchy concept for handling large nets.

Contact Information

Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Drath
Fakult„t f’r Informatik und Automatisierung
Institut f’r Automatisierungs- und Systemtechnik
Fachgebiet Automatisierungsanlagen und Prozežleittechnik
98684 Ilmenau

Phone:  +49 3677 - 69-1466
Fax:    +49 3677 - 69-1415

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