International Workshop on
Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems:
Theories and Applications (RASTA'02)

Abstract for

11:30 - 12:30 (third presentation)
The Description of Formal Roles in Hospital Environments
Renate Gerstl, Alexander Osherenko, and Gabriela Lindemann

The presented work gives a brief idea how to bring sociological theory about roles, positions and negotiations in a structure that allows to implement supporting and simulating multi-agent systems for special applications. Our overall intention is to equip artificial agents with social abilities so that they can work much more realistic in complex environments as deputies of human actors. For this purpose they must have components that reflect an individual type and personal preferences, respectively. One of such component is the formal role depending on the special chosen application domain.
Daniel Moldt
Last modified: Fri Jun 21 15:51:07 CEST 2002