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Project : Structures of Formal Languages

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Prof. Dr. Kudlek, professor
Prof. Dr. Sándor Horváth (Budapest)
Dr. László Kászonyi (Budapest)
Prof. Dr. Pál Dömösi (Debrecen)
Prof. Dr. Masami Ito (Kyoto)
Dr. Masashi Katsura (Kyoto)

Duration: since 1993

Keywords: Formal Languages; primitive words


Investigation of combinatorial properties and decision problems of special languages. Especially, the investigation of combinatorial properties ( pumping lemma, interchange lemma ) of the set Q of all primitive words, and of related decision problems. Q is not linear context-free, not unambiguous, but fulfills all pumping lemmata and the interchange lemma. The problem whether languages, generated by context-free grammars, contain only or all primitive words is undecidable.


  1. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    On Classification and Decidability Problems of Primitive Words
    (PU.M.A., Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 171-189, 1995)
  2. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    Some Classification and Decidability Results on Primitive Words
    (FBI-Bericht 181/95, 15 p., XI 1995)
  3. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    Primitive Words are Strongly Interchangeable but Nonlinear
    (FBI-Bericht 183/96, 10 p., I 1996)
  4. Pál Dömösi, Dirk Hauschildt, Géza Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    Some Results on Small Context-free Grammars Generating Primitive Words
    (FBI-Bericht 187/96, 22 p., IV 1996)
  5. Pál Dömösi, Dirk Hauschildt, Géza Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    Some Results on Small Context-free Grammars Generating Primitive Words
    (Proceedings of the International Conference Automata and Formal Languages VIII, Publ. Math. Debrecen 55, pp. 667-686, 1998)
  6. Pál Dömösi, Jürgen Duske, Manfred Kudlek
    New Pumping Lemma for Linear Indexed Languages
    (In: Algebraic Engineering, eds. M. Ito, C. L. Nehaniv, pp. 533-537, World Scientific, 1999)
  7. Manfred Kudlek
    On General Iteration Lemmata
    (Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Report 1998/01, pp. 13-14, 1998)
  8. Manfred Kudlek
    Some New Results on Primitive Words and Language Classes
    (PU.M.A., vol. 11, nr. 2, pp. 329-339, 2000)
  9. Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Certain Classes of Word and Trace Languages, and Process Algebras
    (Proceedings of CS&P'98, ed. L. Czaja, P. Starke, Berlin, 1998)
  10. Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Certain Classes of Word, Trace and Graph Languages
    (FI, vol. 37, pp. 413-422, 1999)
  11. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    Strong Iteration Lemmata for Regular, Linear, Context-free, and Linear Indexed Languages
    (LNCS, 1684, pp. 226-233, 1999)
  12. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Context-free and Linear Indexed Languages
    (Proceedings of AFL'99, Supplement of Publicationes Matematicae, No 60, pp. 551-568, 2002)
  13. Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek
    Rational, Linear and Algebraic Process Languages and Iteration Lemmata
    (Proceedings of CS&P'99 Workshop, ed. H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja,H.-S. Nguyen, P. Starke, pp. 36-46, 1999)
  14. Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek
    Rational, Linear and Algebraic Process Languages and Iteration Lemmata
    (FI 43(1-4), pp. 49-60, 2000)
  15. Manfred Kudlek
    Some Algebraic Structures with Iteration Lemmata
    (J.UCS, vol. 5, issue 9, pp. 552-562, 1999)
  16. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    An Improvement of Iteration Lemmata for Context-free Languages
    (In: Words, Languages and Combinatorics III, eds. M. Ito, T. Imaoka, pp. 185-191, 2003)
  17. Manfred Kudlek
    Special Factors of Traces
    (In: Recent Topics in Mathematical and Computational Linguistics, ed. C. Martín Vide, Gh. Păun, pp. 169-181, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2000)
  18. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Context-free and Linear Indexed Languages
    (FBI-Bericht 218/99, 30 p., XI 1999)
  19. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    A Homomorphic Characterization of Recursively Enumerable Languages
    (FBI-Bericht 268/06, 9 p., II 2006)
  20. Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek
    Lematy iteracyjni dla równościowo definiowalnych języków procesów
    (Materiały z konferencji Informatika Teoretyczna: Metody analizy informacji niekompletnej i rozproszenej, Białystok, pp. 8-23, 2000)
  21. Virgil Emil Căzănescu, Manfred Kudlek
    Homomorphic Characterizations of Linear and Algebraic Languages
    (In: Grammars and Automata for String Processing: from Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology and back. eds. C. Martín Vide, V. Mitrana, Topics in Computer Mathematics, pp. 215-224, Taylor and Francis, London, 2003)
  22. Manfred Kudlek
    Rational, Linear and Algebraic Languages of Multisets
    (Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiset Processing (WMP'2000) ed. C. S. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, G. Păun, CDMTCS-140, pp. 138-148, 2000)
  23. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Gheorghe Păun
    Toward FMT (Formal Macroset Theory)
    (Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiset Processing (WMP'2000), ed. C. S. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, G. Păun, CDMTCS-140, pp. 149-158, 2000)
  24. Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Normed Semirings
    (Proceedings of ASFLC, RIMS Kokyuroku 1166, pp. 131-137, 2000)
  25. Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek
    ω-Process Languages for Place/Transition Nets
    (Proceedings of CS&P'2000, ed. H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, A. Skowron, P. Starke, pp. 41-52, 2000)
  26. Manfred Kudlek
    Algebraic Characterization of Multiset Languages over Different Multiset Structures
    (ROMJIST Vol. 4, Nrs. 1-2, pp. 125-134, 2001)
  27. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Gheorghe Păun
    Toward FMT (Formal Macroset Theory)
    (Multiset Processing, ed. C. Calude, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, LNCS 2235, pp. 123-133, 2001)
  28. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Normal Forms of Grammars, Finite Automata, Abstract Families, and Closure Properties of Macrosets
    (Multiset Processing, ed. C. Calude, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, LNCS 2235, pp. 135-146, 2001)
  29. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Closure Properties of Multiset Languages
    (Pre-proceedings of WS on Membrane Computing, eds. C. Martín Vide, Gh. Păun, Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, GRLMC, 17/01, pp. 157-168, 2001)
  30. Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek
    ω-Process Languages for Place/Transition Nets
    (FI, vol 47 ( 3/4 ), pp. 219-227, 2001)
  31. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    Closure Properties of Multiset Language Families
    (FI, vol 49 (1-3), pp. 191-203, 2002)
  32. Virgil Emil Căzănescu, Manfred Kudlek
    Local Rewriting
    (Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 87-102, 2003)
  33. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Alexandru Mateescu, Victor Mitrana
    Context and the Cocept of Mild Context-sensitivity
    (Linguistics and Philosophy, vol. 26, nr. 6, pp. 703-725, 2003)
  34. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    On Primitive Multisets
    (Proceedings of ASFSCUCT, RIMS Kokyuroku 1366, pp. 73-81, 2004)
  35. Manfred Kudlek, Victor Mitrana
    New Hierarchies of Mildly Context-sensitive Languages
    (FBI-Bericht 249/03, 10 p., II 2003)
  36. Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Victor Mitrana
    Multi Pattern Interpretations
    (Grammars, vol. 5 No.3, pp. 223-238, 2002)
  37. Roxana Melinte, Manfred Kudlek
    On Black Hole Languages
    (In: Supplemental Papers for DLT'05, eds. C. Calude, E. Calude, M.J. Dinneen, CDMTCS-252, pp. 30-41, 2004)
  38. Pál Dömösi, Manfred Kudlek
    New Iteration Lemmata for Regular Languages
    (FI, vol. 64 (1-4), pp. 151-157, 2005)
  39. Manfred Kudlek
    On Languages of Cyclic Words
    (Proceedings of the Workshop on Membrane Computing July 17-22, 2003, eds. A. Alhazov, C. Martín Vide, Gh. Păun, Reports RGML 28/03, pp. 293-303, 2003)
  40. Manfred Kudlek
    Languages of Cyclic Words
    (In: Aspects of Molecular Computing Essays Dedicated to Tom Head on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, eds. N. Jonoska, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, LNCS 2950, pp. 278-288, 2004)
  41. Manfred Kudlek
    Context-free Languages
    (In: Formal Languages and Applications, eds. C. Martín Vide, V. Mitrana, Gh. Păun, SFCS 148, pp. 97-116, Springer, 2004)
  42. Sándor Horváth, Manfred Kudlek
    A Full Range of Languages Fulfilling Strong Iteration Lemmata
    (In: Supplemental Papers for DLT'04, eds. C. Calude, E. Calude, M.J. Dinneen, CDMTCS-252, pp. 24-30, 2004)
  43. Manfred Kudlek
    On Probabilistic Contextual Grammars
    (FI vol. 64 (1-4), pp. 255-260, 2005)
  44. Manfred Kudlek
    Iteration Lemmata for Rational, Linear, and Algebraic Languages over Algebraic Structures with Several Binary Operations
    (In: Formal Models, Languages and Applications, eds. K.G. Subramanian, K. Rangarajan, M. Mukund, pp. 226-234, World Scientific, 2006)
  45. Manfred Kudlek, Benedek Nagy
    Distances of Formal Languages
    (PU.M.A. vol. 17, pp. 43-50, (2006)2008)

Last Change: 17:40 05/19/2011