The following checklist will aid you to set up your own private RenewKube cluster for evaluation purposes. Appliance installation checklist: 1) Download renewkube.ova appliance image. 2) Download and install (if not already present) Virtualbox 6.x ( 3) In VirtualBox Click "File">"Import appliance..." (repeat this step for a total of three times!) 3a) choose the downloaded renewkube.ova. 3b) enter a unique name for the machine, recommended names are: "renewkube_master", "renewkube_worker" and "renewkube_workstation" 3c) Change the number of "CPU" to reflect the number of CPU cores available on your system. 3c) Make sure to hit the checkbox "assign new MAC address" 4) Configure the machines network. Please refer to appendix A below for information on this topic. Its important to do this, otherwise the machines won't boot. 5) Start all of the imported virtual machines. They should each boot to an Ubuntu desktop. "renewkube_master" VM: 6) Launch a terminal (left sidebar) and enter the command "". If no IP(v4) is returned, the network setup is not valid, please check again under appendix A of this list. 7) On the VM "renewkube_master" run "" in a terminal and wait for the installation to complete. Use "renewkube" as sudo password. "renewkube_worker" VM: 8) Upon completion open a terminal on the "renewkube_worker" VM. Enter "" to ensure an IP is set. 9) Run " " on the "renewkube_worker" VM. Replace with the value the master installer printed on the console upon completion. 10) Make sure the script prints a green success message before proceeding. "renewkube_workstation" VM: 11) On the "renewkube_workstation" VM open a terminal and once again ensure the network configuration is correct by running "". 12) Run " ". Replace with the value the master installer printed on the console upon completion. Appendix A) Depending on your network infrastructure the set up is easy or more difficult. - The easiest case is when you are part of a local home network with one router acting as DHCP server. -> Repeat for all of the imported machines: --> Right-click the machine in VirtualBox > "Change..." > Network > Leave the setting as "Bridged network" and choose your Ethernet network adapter The VM will now act as if it is directly connected to your home network and receive an IP by your home network router. - If you are in a more complex network environment (corporate, university, etc.) you can set up a local simulation. Make sure to have internet connectivity on your physical machine. Keep in mind, that using this method you may not spread the simulation across physical machine borders (= run every part of RenewKube from the same VirtualBox on the same physical device). -> In VirtualBox hit "File">"Settings">"Network"> hit the "+" Button on the far right > "OK" -> Repeat for all of the imported machines: --> Right-click the machine in VirtualBox > "Change..." > Network > choose "NAT-Network" (not "NAT"!!) --> If the network "NatNetwork" (you just created) does not show up below, repeat the above step and make sure to click OK at the end) - If you are in a complex environment and want to test the simulation with more than one physical machine, the setup is non-trivial and it cannot be forseen, what exactly is necessary in your specific environment. Please contact a local network administrator if unsure. The VMs need to connect to the network directly (Bridged network) and the master node needs to have internet access (to download libraries during the installation process). You might need to set fixed IPs (do that within Ubuntu, make sure to use enp0s3 as interface, as the installer relies on it) and allow firewall forwarding.