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GSPN Models of ATM Switches.

Ajmone Marsan, Marco; Gaeta, Rossano

In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, June 3-6, 1997, Saint Malo, France, pages 237-246. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, June 1997.

Abstract: This paper presents examples of the application of the GSPN modeling paradigm to the performance analysis of the ATM networks, illustrating modular GSPN models of two well-known ATM switch architectures: the Knockout and the Gauss switches. The approach is based on the use of many immediate transitions, and only one timed transition, whose firing time distribution is irrelevant for the computation of several performance indices. The analysis of the two example ATM switch architectures allows the limited complexity of the approach to be demonstrated, and interesting insights into the switch behaviors to be obtained.

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