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Systolic Array Model Generation SAMGEN.

Alukaidey, K.A.S.; Alukaidey, T.

In: Willumsen, M.; et al.: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 1988, Pittsburgh, PA (USA), pages 1003-1008. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, COGLAC, 1988.

Abstract: A hexagonal-mesh-connected systolic array and algorithm for full bandwidth matrix-matrix multiplication is presented. A graphical approach through the use of the so-called Cubical Petri-Net (CPN) is utilized for the modelling of the inner-products-step-processor (IPSP). A systolic array model generator (SAMGEN) provided the domain to demonstrate the data flow which is shown to be simple and regular. This approach offers applicability to VLSI environments.

Keywords: systolic array, hexagonal-mesh-connected; SAMGEN; modeling (and) simulation; matrix multiplication; VLSI.

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