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Operational Development of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems with PROTOB, an Object-Oriented CASE Tool.

Bruno, G.; Raineri, F.; Raiteri, M.; Spiller, P.

In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and its Applications, 1989, Toulouse, France, pages 903-916. Nanterre, France: EC2, 1989.

Abstract: The authors pesent PROTOB, an object-oriented methodology based on an extended dataflow model using high level Petri nets, called PROT nets, and its associated CASE toolset called ARTIFEX. ARTIFEX consists of several tools supporting specification, modeling and prototyping activities in distributed systems. A case study concerning automatic warehousing systems is taken as an example application.

Keywords: PROTOB; object-oriented methodology; discrete event dynamic system; PROT net; extended dataflow model; high level net; automatic warehousing system; ARTIFEX.

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