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Event Structures, Causal Trees, and Refinement.

Darondeau, Philippe; Degano, Pierpaolo

In: Rovan, B.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 452; Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1990; (Conference, 1990, Banská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia), pages 239-245. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1990.

Abstract: A recent trend in studies on concurrency is to test process equivalences for resistance to action refinement. Labelled event structures lend themselves to action refinement in a most natural way. Algebras of process terms with refinement may be interpreted as quotient algebras of event structures modulo history preserving bisimulation. Causal trees supply an adequate representation for equivalence classes of Labelled Event Structures. The problem addressed in the paper is to enrich algebras of Causal Trees by semantic counterparts to the syntactic refinement operators.

Keywords: labelled event structure; causal tree; action refinement; process terms algebra; history preserving bisimulation.

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