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LAPD protocol at the ISDN Interface: Formal Modeling with Petri Nets Based Models and Verification by Abstraction (Strings, Observational and Behavioral Equivalences).

Faure, C.; Juanole, G.; Vernadat, F.

In: Ramani, S.; et al.: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Communication, 1990, New Delhi, India, pages 787-794. New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House, 1990.

Abstract: The paper shows the interest of the labeled predicate-transition nets for modeling the main mechanisms of the LAPD protocol, and of the verification by abstraction for analyzing specific properties. The authors emphasize the fact that they have modeled the timers which are represented by types. They consider all the possible behaviours relevant to the timers. Concerning the verification by abstraction, they consider three kinds of equivalence (strings, observational and behavioral equivalences).

Keywords: LAPD protocol (at) ISDN interface; observational (and) behavioural equivalence; link access procedure; labelled predicate-transition net.

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