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Analysis and Control of Discrete Event Systems Represented by Petri Nets.

Ichikawa, A.; Hiraishi, K.

In: Varaiya, P.; Kurzhanski, A.B.: Discrete Event Systems: Models and Applications. IIASA Conference, pages 115-134. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany, 1988.

Abstract: The authors utilize a Petri net as a structural model in analysis and design of a control system of discrete events systems (DES). They present their study on the Petri net with external input and output, together with the modelling capability, observability, decision-free fireability, reachability and control system design. The major contribution of the paper is to give a necessary and sufficient condition for reachability in a class of Petri nets and to utilize it in the control system design of DES.

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