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On the Analysis of Stochastic High Level Petri Net Models.

Lin, Chuang; Marinescu, D.C.

In: Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 31, No. 4, pages 747-767. 1991.

Abstract: The paper reviews the Stochastic High Level Petri Nets, SHLPNs, and discusses the difficulties encountered in designing tools to automate the analysis of SHLPNs. The authors present High Level Petri Nets with marking variables and show that for this class of nets it is possible to construct efficiently the reachability tree. The algorithm is based upon equivalence and covering relations among marking variables. The compound token and token flow path concepts and an algorithm to compute the S-invariants are discussed.

Keywords: stochastic high level net; reachability tree; S-invariant (computation); token flow path concept.

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