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Time Petri nets for workflow modeling and analysis.

Ling, S.; Schmidt, H.

In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2000), 8-11 October 2000, Nashville, TN, Vol. 4, pages 3039-3044. 2000.

Abstract: Time management in workflow processes is crucial in determining and controlling the life cycle of business activities. In the proposed model, a temporal interval as an execution duration is assigned to every workflow task. While the real time taken by the task is nondeterministic and unpredictable, it may be between the bounds thus specified. Workflow nets (WF-nets) are extended with time intervals and are called time WF-nets (TWF-nets). Extending previous results on timed Petri nets, the paper shows that certain behavioral properties of workflow processes modeled by TWF-nets can be verified. Using a clinical health case process as a case study, the modeling of shared resources available at different times is also illustrated.

Keywords: TWF-nets, behavioral properties, health case systems, time workflow nets, timed Petri nets, workflow processes.

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