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Rule based Petri nets for design and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS).

Maduri, O.

In: Design Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Proc. of the Int. Conf. DACIM-91, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, IND, Jan 7-10, 1991, pages 23-29. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill,, 1991.

Abstract: As a classic definition `Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)' consists of several computer numerically controlled units interconnected with automated material handling equipment and supervised by an executive computer having random scheduling capabilities. All the methods suggested in the literature can be practically brought under one heading `simulation', for FMS design and operation. One among these methods is petri net (PN). The analysing power of the petrinets is tremendously increased by incorporating the field knowledge, which helps in instant and fast decision making. Thus, the future of the system can be easily simulated and well monitored. This paper mainly deals with the application of the rule based petrinets for design planning, instant decision making during while in operation (real time) and first-hand simulation of the FMS.

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