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Specification and Construction of Performability Models.

Meyer, J. F.; Sanders, W. H.

In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, Mont Saint-Michel, France. June 28-30 1993.

Abstract: Model-based performability evaluation of computer and communication systems requires accurate and efficient techniques for model construction as well as model solution. Moreover, as the physical and logical complexity of such systems continues to grow, there is need for increased care in specifying just what is to be constructed in response to the aims of a given evaluation study. This presentation thus focuses on specification and construction aspects of performability modeling, under the assumption that construction (and subsequent solution) are automated. Concepts and methods are described for each, with emphasis on specifying/realizing the relation between a base stochastic model and the measures it must support. Although stochastic activity networks are chosen as the vehicle for base model specification, many of the techniques employed convey principles that apply as well to other specification constructs.

Keywords: Performability, Model-based evaluation, Stochastic activity networks, Stochastic Petri nets, Reduced base model construction.

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