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Study of Local Area Networks Using Petri Nets.

Nowicki, T.; Wilczkowiak, E.

In: RELECTRONIC'88. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Reliability in Electronics, 1988, Budapest, Hungary; Vol. 2, pages 454-461. Budapest: Hiradatechnikai Tudomanyos Egyesulet, 1988.

Abstract: There are some basic techniques which are used with local area networks (LANs); they are concerned with: network topology, transmission medium, and medium access control methods. The authors concentrate on the latter of these. Timed Petri net models for study of a standby group with renewal, local area network with CSMA-CD, and control token medium access method are proposed. The medium access control protocol can have a profound impact on the overall LAN performance.

Keywords: local area network; access control; timed net; overall performance; token medium access method.

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