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Guarded Transitions in Rough Petri Nets.

Peters, J.F.; Skowron, A.; Suraj, Z.; Ramanna, S.

In: Proc. of the 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques & Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, September 13-16, 1999, pages 1-6. 1999.

Abstract: This paper considers the construction of Petri nets to simulate conditional computation in various forms of systems. Coloured Petri nets underly the definition of a family of Petri nets based on rough set theory. Two families of guards on transitions are introduced: Lukasiewicz guards and rough guards. Lukasiewicz guards provide a basis for transitions with a form of continuous enabling. The notion of level-of-enabling of transitions is introduced. Rough guards on transitions are derived from approximations of our knowledge of input values.

Keywords: Decision systems, enabling, guard, multivalued logic, Petri nets, rough sets.

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