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Availability Modeling of Heterogeneous VAX-Cluster Systems: a Stochastic Petri Net Approach.

Sathaye, A.; Trivedi, K.S.; Howe, R.C.

In: FTSD--13. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, 1990, Varna, Bulgaria, pages 40-63. 1990.

Abstract: VAX-cluster systems are closely coupled configurations of VAX computers and storage devices. This paper discusses an availability model of heterogeneous multiprocessor based VAX-cluster systems using stochastic Petri nets. The model includes detailed failure/recovery behaviors like cluster state transitions, re-reboots and faulty repair. Failure/recovery interdependencies between the multiprocessors are also modeled. Unlike a Markov model the stochastic Petri net model is not configuration specific, and can be used to analyze various cluster configurations.

Keywords: heterogeneous multiprocessor VAX cluster system; closely coupled cluster configuration; stochastic net; failure recovery; reboot.

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