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PROD 3.2 - An Advanced Tool for Efficient Reachability Analysis.

Varpaaniemi, Kimmo; Heljanko, Keijo; Lilius, Johan

In: O. Grumberg (Ed.), Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97, Haifa, Israel, June 22-25, 1997, Proceedings, pages 472-475. June 1997.

Abstract: PROD is a reachability analyzer for Predicate/Transition nets. The tool incorporates several advanced reduced reachability graph generation methods. The tool also includes a CTL model checker and supports on-the-fly verification of LTL formulas. PROD is being used in industrial projects at the Digital Systems Laboratory.

Keywords: reachability analysis; verification; model checking; stubborn sets; Petri nets.

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