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Finding Small Stubborn Sets Automatically.

Varpaaniemi, Kimmo

In: V. Atalay, U. Halici, K. Inan, N. Yalabik & A. Yazici (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium onComputer and Information Sciences, ISCIS XI, November 6-8, 1996, Antalya, Turkey, Volume I, pages 133-142. November 1996.

Abstract: State space generation is often needed in the analysis of concurrent and distributed systems. The stubborn set method is one of the techniques that try to alleviate the state space explosion encountered in state space generation. An algorithm for finding a stubborn set having as few enabled transitions as possible is presented. Practicality of the algorithm is motivated with the aid of examples.

Keywords: verification of concurrent and distributed systems; state space generation; stubborn sets.

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