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Petri Net Modeling Technique and its Application in Fault Tolerant Computing.

Wu, Jie; Fernandez, Eduardo B.

In: Computers, Computer Architecture and Microprocessors in Education Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1990, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Part 3, pages 1311-1317. San Diego, CA, USA: Soc. for Computer Simulation Int., 1990.

Abstract: Petri nets are uninterpreted models, when applying them to specific situations one can use different interpretations. In this paper the auhtors consider three possible interpretations which define three types of models that can be used for general applications: event-condition, token-object association, and place-object association.

Keywords: fault tolerant computing; event-condition model; token-object association model; place-object association model.

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