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PEP: A Programming Environment based on Petri Nets.

Grahlmann, B.

In: ATPN'95, Tool Presentation, Torino, Italy, pages 1-6 pp.. June 1995. Available at

Abstract: The PEP system is not just another Petri net tool. Of course it fulfills the main tasks of a good net tool. It includes a high-level and a low-level net editor with comfortable editing and simulating facilities. In addition it offers a sophisticated verification component based on a model checking algorithm using partial orders. Thus various properties - given as temporal logic formulae - can be checked efficiently. But the PEP system is even more, it is a Programming Environment based on Petri Nets. In PEP two of today's most accepted theoretical approaches for the description of parallel systems, Petri nets and process algebras, are combined to model, simulate, analyse and verify parallel systems. The application of both approaches using a common, flexible parallel programming language called B(PN)² (Basic Petri Net Programming Notation) is one of the main characteristics of PEP. Its comprehensive verification component allows to verify a large range of properties of the parallel systems modelled by the PEP tool. PEP has been implemented on Solaris 2.4, SunOS 4.1.3 and Linux. An ftp-able version will be made available shortly.

Keywords: petri nets; parallel programming language; simulation; verification; model checking; tool.

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