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Aspekte der Modellierung und Realisierung der Steuerung technologischer Prozesse mit Petri-Netzen. Teil 1.

Quäck, L.

In: Automatisierungstechnik - at, Vol. 39, No. 4, pages 116-120. April 1991. In German.

Abstract: The design of automation systems using Petri nets is demonstrated by means of an example. The models of the controlled process and the controller are elaborated separately and then jointly to give a single net. By a time-rating of net elements, time-affected technical events are introduced into the model. Proposals are made for the construction of the reachability graph of a net with time-rating elements. Finally, it is shown how the Petri net model can be used in the design of a hardware controller.

Keywords: modelling (and) control (of) process(es) (by nets); time-rating of net elements; time-affected event(s); reachability graph hardware controller.

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