Entry last updated: 2002/5/3
Entry last validated: 2002/5/3
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Commercial
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Fast Simulation
- Simple Performance Analysis
- SunOS
- Solaris
- MS Windows NT
Tool Description
ALPHA/Sim is a general-purpose, graphical, discrete-event simulation
tool based on Petri nets. ALPHA/Sim allows the user to graphically
build a Petri net model, enter input data (timing delays, routing
rules, initial token populations, and other data) via integrated forms,
execute the Petri net simulation model, and view the simulation results.
The class of Petri nets modeled are stochastic, timed, attributed or
colored Petri nets.
Models can be built hierarchically, from the bottom up or the top down.
Models can be built without seeing or writing a single line of code.
ALPHA/Sim models can also be linked to external code; this code may be
written in any language that can be compiled on the host platform.
ALPHA/Sim automatically collects statistics on place populations,
delays, transition firing rates, and attributes. ALPHA/Sim has
been used in a wide number of applications including military command
and control, computer hardware systems, manufacturing systems, and
queueing systems.
Contact Information
Alan B. Evans, Bradford E. Rigby
50 Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803-4562
Phone: +1 781 273 3388
Fax: +1 781 273 9345
Other Remarks
Implementing a Petri net model in ALPHA/Sim involves the following steps:
- Define your token types
Use the Token Type Edit Form to enter the token type names and define their attributes.
- Draw your model
Drag and drop icons from the palette to define the logical structure of the model.
- Add timing, routing, logic, and attribute value assignments
Use Place and Transition Forms to assign values to tokens and to define timing
parameters, queue disciplines, and branching rules based on probability, priority, or
expression evaluation.
- Specify statistics for collection
Enable statistics collection at any point in the model by selecting a check box
in the place or transition form. You can collect statistics on places, transitions, or
attributes. ALPHA/Sim supports aggregate, interval, and sample statistics.
- Define runs and replications
Use the Clock and Replications Forms to set the duration, number of replications,
and random number seeds.
- Debug your model
ALPHA/Sim automatically locates, lists, and describes errors in your model.
- Run your model
Select Run to begin model execution. Use the Statistics Windows to monitor statistics
during the run. The model can also be run in batch mode (graphics turned off).
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