Entry last updated: 2008/11/14
Entry last validated: 2008/11/14
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- State Spaces
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Structural Analysis
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
ARP stands for "Analisador de Redes de Petri", the portuguese translation for Petri Net Analyser. It's a tool for PN analysis and simulation written in Turbo Pascal 6 for MS-DOS.
It accepts the following Petri net models:
- Place/transition nets (numeric markings, no time information);
- Timed nets (firing intervals [tmin, tmax] associated to transitions);
- Extended timed nets (probability function associated to firing intervals).
It offers the following analysis modules:
- Reachability graph generation and analysis
- Place/transition invariant analysis
- Verification of the equivalence between the state graph and a user given automata
- Performance evaluation
- Step-by-step simulation
Contact Information
Prof. Carlos Maziero, Dr.
Graduate Program in Computer Science
Catholic University of Parana
Rua Imaculada Conceicao, 1155
Curitiba PR 80.215-901
Other Remarks
Full Pascal source files are available under the GNU GPL License in the tool website.
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