Entry last updated: 2015/11/18
Entry last validated: 2015/11/18
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Place/Transition Nets
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Stochastic Symmetric Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Fast Simulation
- Interchange File Format
- Rare Event Simulation
- PC, Linux
- Macintosh, Mac OS X
Tool Description
COSMOS is a statistical model checker for Hybrid Automata Stochastic Logic (HASL). HASL uses Linear Hybrid Automata (LHA), a generalization of Deterministic Timed Automata (DTA), to describe accepting execution paths of a Discrete Event Stochastic Process (DESP), a class of stochastic models which includes, but is not limited to, Markov chains. As a result, HASL verification turns out to be a unifying framework where sophisticated temporal reasoning is naturally blended with elaborate reward-based analysis. COSMOS takes as input a DESP (described in terms of a Generalized Stochastic Petri Net), a LHA and an expression Z representing the quantity to be estimated. It returns a confidence interval estimation of Z. COSMOS is written in C++ and is freely available to the research community. It is jointly developped by searchers of LSV and LACL and was partially supported by the ANR project Check-bound .
Contact Information
Benoit Barbot
LACL, UniversitÈ Paris-Est CrÈteil Val de Marne
61 avenue du GÈnÈral de Gaulle
94010 CrÈteil Cedex
Phone: Remember country code
Fax: Remember country code
Other Remarks
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