Entry last updated: 2015/4/8
Entry last validated: 2015/4/8
Tool homepage:
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- Place/Transition Nets
- Petri Nets with Time
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- Place Invariants
- Transition Invariants
- Simple Performance Analysis
Tool Description
GHENeSys stands for General Hierarchical Enhanced Net System, and takes as a goal to provide an implementation of a unified net system, that is, a system that follows the standard ISO/IEC 15.909 and work further in the level III of this standard: the extensions.
For extensions we have the inclusion of hierarchy, time slice, and time intervals (as propose by Merlin). Some new concepts as "pseudo-boxes" to represent observable but not controlled events was also included. The general idea is that all extensions could fit in the general model and definitions.
A model checking package was also developed and will be attached to the system very soon. Find more information and download the tool in
Contact Information
Name Jos‰ Reinaldo Silva
Company/Institution University of Sƒo Paulo
Street Rua Prof. Mello Morais, 2231, Cidade Universitßria, 05508-030
City/State/ Sƒo Paulo, SP
Country Brazil
Phone: +55-11-3091-5688
Other Remarks
The maintainers of this page