
Entry last updated: 2015/4/8
Entry last validated: 2015/4/8

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Tool availability: Free of charge

Tool Features

Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology) Components (see also help on terminology)


Tool Description

GHENeSys stands for General Hierarchical Enhanced Net System, and takes as a goal to provide an implementation of a unified net system, that is, a system that follows the standard ISO/IEC 15.909 and work further in the level III of this standard: the extensions. For extensions we have the inclusion of hierarchy, time slice, and time intervals (as propose by Merlin). Some new concepts as "pseudo-boxes" to represent observable but not controlled events was also included. The general idea is that all extensions could fit in the general model and definitions. A model checking package was also developed and will be attached to the system very soon. Find more information and download the tool in

Contact Information

Name Jos‰ Reinaldo Silva
Company/Institution University of Sƒo Paulo
Street  Rua Prof. Mello Morais, 2231, Cidade Universitßria, 05508-030
City/State/ Sƒo Paulo, SP
Country  Brazil

Phone:  +55-11-3091-5688

Other Remarks

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