Entry last updated: 2005/7/28
Entry last validated: 2005/7/28
Tool homepage: http://helena.cnam.fr/
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
Components (see also help on terminology)
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Net Reductions
Tool Description
Helena is a High LEvel Nets Analyzer. It is part of the Quasar project, a framework for the verification of concurrent Ada software. Helena is totally free of charge and can be downloaded from our web site. It is written in portable Ada and available under the term of the GPL.
The high level formalism of Helena makes it adapted for the verification of software specification. Some features of the tool makes it particularly efficient in terms of memory management.
To tackle the state explosion problem, Helena implements structural abstraction techniques and the stubborn set method.
Helena can also exports nets to the following formalism : tina, lola, and prod.
Contact Information
Mr Sami Evangelista
292 rue Saint-Martin
F-75141 Paris Cedex 03
Phone: +33 140272049
E-mail: evangeli@cnam.fr
Other Remarks
The maintainers of this page