
Entry last updated: 2013/3/10
Entry last validated: 2013/3/10

Tool homepage: http://jsarp.codeplex.com

Tool availability: Free of charge

Tool Features

Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology) Components (see also help on terminology)


Tool Description

Petri Nets can be used on the modeling and verification of several operation system features such as concurrency and process synchronization, conflict verification, resource sharing, among others. This tool, on-going development, which allows describing and verifying Petri Nets with the support of a graphical interface. This tool, based on the ARP, is being developed in Java and employs modern object oriented techniques and design patterns. In this way extensions to this tool, such as time constrains and the introduction of new verification strategies can be easily plugged.

Contact Information

Felipe Lino
Univerisidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Matemtica e Estatstica
Rio de Janeiro

Phone:  Remember country code
Fax:    Remember country code
E-mail: felipelino44@gmail.com

Other Remarks

This tools is able to: - Edit the Petri Net with Graphics - Simulate - Make Analisys - Save the work - Two languages: English and Portuguese.
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