Entry last updated: 2004/6/3
Entry last validated: 2004/6/3
Tool homepage: http://tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/research/xrl/flower
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- High-level Petri Nets
- WF Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Workflow Management System
- PC, MS Windows 2000
- Java
Tool Description
A Web-based system
called XRL/flower for carrying out Petri-net based workflows described with
XRL (eXchangeable Routing Language). XRL/flower uses XML technology and
is implemented in Java on top of the Petri-net Kernel PNK. Standard XML tools
can be deployed to parse, check, and handle XRL documents. The XRL enactment
application is complemented with a Web server, allowing actors to interact
with the system through the internet. A database allows the enactment engine
and the Web server to exchange information with each other. Since XRL is instance
based, a modelled workflow serves as a template that needs to be copied
and may be possibly rened for enactment. For that purpose XRL constructs are
automatically translated into Petri-net constructs. As a result, the system is easy
to extend: For supporting a new control flow primitive, the engine itself does not
need to change. Furthermore, the Petri net representation can be analyzed using
state-of-the-art analysis techniques and tools.
Contact Information
A. Norta (former Hirnschall), M.Sc.
Pav. J02
Postbus 513
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - 040 - 247 5407
Fax: +31 - 040 - 243 2612
E-mail: a.norta@tm.tue.nl
Other Remarks
The maintainers of this page